Monday, April 22, 2013

I gave my Husband the middle finger...

And then I drank a glass of wine.  Before you judge, let's rewind.  4:55 a.m. Sloane decides she should wake up.  I go in to get her and she easily falls asleep.  Just as easily, she's right back awake and wanting to nurse.  Ok, I'll give, I want to sleep.  5:10 am back in bed.  5:15 am. Blaire yells for Daddy, only daddy doesn't hear.  I nudge him enough to get him going. 5:18 Blaire is in our bed, tossing, turning, and my favorite, talking to me. 5:25 am. Sloane wakes up.

5:30: changing Sloanes' diaper, I let Blaire know that I would be making both she and Sloane french toast for breakfast with some fruit and berries.  Breakfast made, Tantrum no.1, something about fruit, wanting oatmeal in a jar, and God knows what else.  Luckily tantrum no. 1 was easily diffused and although Blaire did not eat her french toast she ate some yogurt and berries and would have some Crepes with daddy later.  Sloane loved her french toast!

8:30 am.  I take Sloane and Daisy, our 3 year old Viszla, out for a 7 mile run.  Blaire and Sloane play for a bit on the floor and Blaire has to be reminded gently and then firmly that she must be gentle with her sister.   She gets crazy, kicking, yelling, etc and must also be reminded that she will not attend her friends party later that day if she's not being a good listener seeing as that would be rude and potentially unsafe.  11 am.  Family trip to stores. We had to buy a birthday card for the party.  CVS, almost Tantrum no 2. Luckily a little reverse psychology from daddy got her moving before she could really get going.  Grocery store went surprisingly well (a little fruit to keep the girls occupied can go a long way, real fruit, not one of those pouches)

Preparing to go to the party, Tantrum no 3, not a true tantrum, but a fit, running away, refusing to cooperate, throwing toothbrush, etc.  I leave to go tell Daddy that we will not be going to the party seeing as Blaire is being a bad listener, suddenly teeth and hair can be done.  Ok, she did what she was asked, we will go.

Party.  Good times had by all.  3:00, time to go.  Tantrum no. 4.  Crying and Yelling all the way to the car, doesn't want to go home, mommy has to carry her, wants to go to the park, ummm, party was at the park.  Drive home: party horns not in correct spot, Blaire can't get them hooked into her seat, Screaming some more.  Home:  Put Blaire down for a nap. Sloane refuses to nap.  An hour later: Blaire yells for mommy, I go in, she gives me a coin she had, tells me to take it, then falls back asleep.  4:50: I tell the hubby that we may need to wake Blaire soon, but to give her 10 more minutes.  He opens her door anyway and allows Sloane to go wake Blaire.  Blaire comes out yelling. (Way to go hubby, way to go)  Blaire wants fruit, but I have to remind her that she already had a lot today and that she could have some cheese and crackers.  Tantrum no 5.  Blaire wants to eat on the couch, mommy wants her to eat at the counter or table.  Finally reach a compromise, I get it all set up, and nothing is eaten anyway.

Dinner:  Blaire decided is the time to run around crazy.  Sloane super tired and crying.  I was shoveling food down as quickly as possible, I think it was pork, not sure, had to eat before I could taste.  Blaire refusing to listen, screaming, running.  I was at my wits end.  I picked her up and took her to her room, told her she had to stay until she was calmed down (forgot to use her Tot clock)  1 min later:  "mommy, mommy" with tears.  Go in to find her in the rocking chair goofing off.  Blaire put back in bed and informed she can come out when calm, but that she was being a bad listener and that that was not nice, I had had it and would not play with her. Daddy, not happy with mommy.  Get Sloane so I can get her ready for bed.  Blaire comes out starts running.  Daddy takes over, only allows her to go nuts in hallway outside of bedroom where I will be putting Sloane to sleep; I say something about positive and negative reinforcement..  He tells me to not be angry (or something along those lines) and as I walked away with the baby, I gave him the middle finger.  Nursed Sloane to sleep, came out Blaire was eating, and I sat down and had my glass of wine.

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