Friday, June 28, 2013

A dream world

"I wish I could live in her world."  That was what a friend of mine said last night while joining us for dinner.  I smiled.  I do live in her world, but not completely.  This is my daughters world:

She has multiple sisters and brothers who live in various placed, both in and out of California.  They have birthday parties almost daily, work at jobs, go to school, love broccoli but not her favorite kale salad (hmmm. B detests broccoli, but loves kale), etc.  She laughs as she tells me about her sisters and brothers, insists that they ARE her sisters and brothers because after all that is what she sees in her mind and her stories are endless tales full of purity, joy, and creativity.

She wrote a book about a hippopotamus.  The hippo colors in books.  The hippo drives a car. The hippo colors with, not on, his computer. The hippo eats.  The hippo does whatever she wants him to do because in her world there are no limits to possibility. 

She hangs her clothes out to dry while she struts proudly in the buff.   She tells me that my tummy looks big, my hair needs brushing, my shoulders look black, and that toes need painting.  She tells me that I'm pretty and that she loves me.  She tells me whatever is on her mind.  She is not afraid to be herself.

She asks "why" countless times a day, not to be annoying, rather she is genuinely curious as to why that particular bird in not flapping his wings yet still flying.  Or why the neighborhood cat roams all over the neighborhood.  Or how something broke.

She negotiates better than I.  No, mom.  I can play for (pause and look cute) 5 more minutes. How about 2 more minute?  Umm, 20 more minutes?  Ok, B, 5 more minutes (crap I'm a sucker).  This shirt with this skirt, not pants! Thank you mommy.

She screams. She screams because she is frustrated, angry, happy, sad.  She screams when I want to scream but can't because well 34 year olds don't go around screaming.  She screams because she wants to let the world knows what she wants and that she is going to do whatever it takes to get that desire met.  She screams because she is strong, determined, and confident. 

My daughter lives in this amazing world where imagination knows no limits, where pride out shines insecurity, and strength is both physical and mental.  In her world living true to your beliefs is rule, curiosity is the driving force, and making sure that others know where you stand is paramount.  I love her world.  I hope that she lives in this world as long as possible.  I pray that she takes as much from her world into the "real" as possible.  I want to live in her world.

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