Friday, May 17, 2013

Paper Bracelets and Exercise

Blaire and I were having a nice lunch this week, coloring and eating and we came up with a great activity together than was easy, doable during lunch, and finished in time for nap.  Can't be much better than that!  Blaire is currently obsessed with the scissors that cut fancy edges  She was cutting different shapes and I realized that the one looked like a diamond and Voila paper braclets came to life!  I had her use the scissors to cut strips, which we then colored.  We also colored the shapes she had cut previous.  A little tape, or you could use glue, I chose tape to be quick, to put the pieces together, then wrap around the writs, tape it closed and we had beautiful paper bracelets.
I've recently discovered that I can use our mini swing set as a means for exercise!  If you have a back yard play set this one is for you!  Can also be done in a park (yes I am sometimes that mom)
Slide Tricep Pushups.  While waiting for the kiddo(s) to get set up place your hands on the sides of the slide and do your push ups, remember tricep push ups or narrow hand position, shoulders stacked on top of wrists, if your slide is wide then you can make them chest ones or find a different spot.  To make them more challenging lower yourself closer to bottom of slide, coming closer to ground, easier go up the slide to almost a full standing position
Swing Hamstring Curls:  to be done with CAUTION!!  You could easily get hurt trying these and should only be done if you have swings that are lower to the ground (12 inches from ground)  heels on swing, you lay on  ground, lift hips off of ground and then maintaining the lift pull swing towards your bottom, pressing hips up slightly as you do so to keep knees comfortable.
Swing AB Curls:  Flip yourself around, hold a plank with ankles on swing; either just do plank holds or ab a knee pull towards your middle, engaging the abdominals and slightly lifting butt up as you pull your knees towards your stomach.  5-10 reps.  Again:  PROCEED WITH CAUTION, Swings should be no ore than 1-1/2 feet from ground level.
Pull ups:  That's right, grab the top the swing set and go for it!
Swing Lunges:  One foot on a swing the other in front.  Lunge!  Bend your front knee so that the swing goes back and keep the front knee stacked on top of the front ankle.  8-15 each side.  Caution on these, they are tough and you may need to hold onto something for balance.  Also, if your swings are high off the ground I don't recommend this one as that will transfer into your back and hips.
Finally, have some fun with the kiddos.  How many times can they swing while you run around the perimeter of the yard, or play area?  Have your kiddo count while you run/jog!  Learning can be done at all times!  Do Jumping Jacks together, count to 30 then take a 30 second break (counting to 30 again or 60 for older kids), Repeat!  Tuck Jumps...jump pulling knees to chest, almost giving yourself a hug.  Count to 10, try a language other than your own!   Repeat! 
Wishing you all a Fun, Healthy, Loving Weekend

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