Thursday, May 9, 2013

Please do not stop me on the way out

I feel like strangling the Greenpeace people, political activists, girl scouts, or basically anyone who hangs out outside of the grocery store and attempts to get me on the way out.  Don't get me wrong I would love to help save some whales, think every person deserves the same rights, and who doesn't love some cookies?! But still, I want to smack them all on my way out.  Sorry. 

This is what I don't get.  Here I am juggling a few bags, 2 kids under three, who are more than likely screaming, and you think that I would like to stand here talking to you about saving some animal I may or may not have heard of and then sign your paper with my free third hand?  On top of your already bad judgment, when I tell you nicely that I don't have time, you attempt to guilt me into stopping using some crap line about only a minute to save some thing that will otherwise die.  Seriously.  Now I'm just pissed.  I said I didn't have time, now even if I did, I don't want to talk to someone who thinks that using guilt is the way to get your job done.  And if you're selling stuff, I just spent all of my money on groceries so why do you think I now want to buy your stuff?  All I really want to do is smack you and get home to unload all this stuff and check off one more thing off of my to do list.

So, for all of you Greenpeace, political activist, oblivious people out there here are some basic rules you should follow:

2.  Someone avoiding eye contact (yes I do so regularly) Again, NOT YOUR TARGET
3.  Someone who says that they do not have time or no thank you, is trying to tell you that they are
4.  STOP trying to guilt people into wanting to help.  As if there isn't enough to feel guilty about   
      already (esp. those of us walking out with brown bags because we forgot our reusable's, again)
5.  Screaming kids should alert you to avoid those people because they are NOT YOUR TARGET
6.  Few people actually want to spend time outside of the grocery store talking to you about whatever
      it is your talking about...
7.  If the person doesn't approach you, then I'm guessing, they are NOT YOUR TARGET
8.  Chances are if I wanted to help your cause I already did it when I had time, NOT in front of the grocery store.
9.  Finally, don't use some line about me playing tennis because Im in a running skirt to get my attention...Haven't played tennis in years and now I just think you are a creep

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